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Can Cats Drink Soy and Coconut Milk?

Cat owners love to share food with their cats, but cats shouldn’t eat certain people food. Some food is toxic for cats and cats should avoid them. Cat owners often feed their cats with milk, because they see that cats enjoy in it. But, you have probably heard that cats don’t process regular milk very well. What will happen if you give your cat soy or coconut milk?

In this article we will give you the answers to this question and we will tell you something more about the effects that soy and coconut milk have on cat’s health.

Soy and Coconut Milk

Soy milk is a plant milk obtained from dried soybeans. It is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and other necessary nutrients. Soy milk contains little fat and no cholesterol, so it is very beneficial to our health. Coconut milk is obtained straining the meat from the inside of the coconut. Coconut milk is often used in cooking, but it has also some health benefits for humans.

Are Soy and Coconut Milk Safe for Cats?

The studies have shown that soy is not toxic to cats, but the products made of soy milk are often very sweetened and they often contain cane syrup. It is known that cats can’t digest fructose, which is found in cane syrup, corn syrup, table sugar and other sweeteners.

The diet of a kitten until the fourth week from the birth is based on mother’s milk, from which a kitten can derive all the necessary nutrients. During this stage a kitten is producing an enzyme called lactose, which is also found in milk and which is necessary for digestion of milk sugar. As a cat grows, he/she loses the ability to make lactose and the amount of this enzyme begins to drop off. At that moment cat’s digestive tract becomes delicate and it is not able to tolerate milk, especially if it is synthetic form of milk, like soy or coconut milk.

As you have seen, the milk of a cat mother is the only that offers all necessary nutrients to kittens. But, soy and coconut milk are often used as alternatives to mother’s milk, although they don’t have the nutritive value that cats need. Soy or coconut milk should never become a major part of your cat’s diet, because these milks don’t contain all the nutrients that are necessary for cats. Also, soy and coconut milk should never take place of water. You have to be sure that your cat is drinking plenty of water. Water is crucial for your cat’s health and it is better choice than any milk.

How Much Soy and Coconut Milk Can be Given to Cats?

Cat’s digestive system doesn’t tolerate some dairy products, such as soy or coconut milk. They can not process well these kinds of milk, so you should avoid giving them to your cat. But, if you have already decided to give soy or coconut milk to your cat, then you have to know that the amount of milk that you give is the most important. If you are giving her a small portion of soy or coconut milk, that will not be harmful to your cat and will not cause any side effects. Whether you are giving your cat soy or coconut milk, it is recommendable to start out with one teaspoon of the milk. It is important to see cat’s reaction before giving her more milk. Have in mind that you shouldn’t add to cat’s diet too many calories from food which is not specialized for cats.

Side Effects of Soy and Coconut Milk

Soy and coconut milk can cause diarrhea, vomiting and other problems in the intestinal tract of cats. Large portions of soy and coconut milk can cause health issues which sometimes can also be fatal and kill your cat.

Final Thoughts

As you have seen, cat’s stomach can be delicate and your kitty can be upset by new foods. Because of that it is important to be careful when you are introducing new foods in your cat’s diet. Have in mind that moderation is the key of good health. Also, we always recommend you to consult a veterinarian if you are not sure about how much to feed your cat.

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