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Can Cats Eat Pork?

There are many popular beliefs and sayings about cats. Sometimes they are considered signs of good fortune and sometimes the opposite. They are known for their curiosity, agility and pride. Whether we love them or not, cats will always have a significant place in humans’ world. Domesticated cats have been with us since far past. They proved skilled and very useful animals, when it comes to protecting our homes and food from pests. Their hunting instinct made them extremely popular in many civilizations throughout our history. They have been worshiped in Ancient Egypt, where they elevated to the pedestal of a divinity.

Those elegant and so classy animals are some of the most popular pets around the world. Cats, dogs, rabbits and other cuddly animals are on the top of the list. If you find yourself a cat-lover and consider of adapting one amazing feline, you should be aware of its nature and all the requirements that comes along. First of all, cats are intelligent, loving and kind animals, despite common thinking they are mean and selfish. Cats can be loyal and attached to their humans the same way dogs are. If treated with love and care, those beautiful animals make adorable and faithful lifelong friends to humans.

There are various cat breeds and each of them requires special treatment, but the essentials are quite the same. Cats need space big enough to run around and climb, or you get scratched furniture and broken vases. They seek your time and patience, even if they sometimes seem completely indifferent to humans. A cat requires regular medical care, all the necessary veterinarian checks and procedures, a lot of activity and good diet plan. Cats are independent by nature, but that doesn’t mean you could leave your pet on its own for long periods of time, especially if you keep it in a city apartment.

Good nutrition plan for cats

Cats are often seen hunting small prey animals, such as mice, rats, other rodents, birds, snakes and other little creatures. They are natural born hunters and they share many characteristics with their wild relatives. Domestic cats have the same needs for proteins as tigers, lions, panthers and other members of big feline family. Proteins are the most important nutrients for all cats. They need proteins originating from animal meat. Cats are obligate carnivores and their organisms are designed to digest and process meat and utilize its compounds.

If you wonder what food would suit your lovely cuddly pet, talk to your veterinarian. Each cat’s nutrition varies depending on its size, gender, health condition and so on. Of course you can’t feed a kitten the same way you would feed an adult.

However, generally speaking, purchased cat food is the safest option for feeding felines. High quality dry, vacuumed and canned cat food is carefully composed to provide cats all the essential ingredients they need on a daily basis. Dry, granulated cat food is often recommended to take up the most of a cat’s menu.

Commercial cat food is good choice to make a base for your cat’s regular diet plan. Since cats mostly eat meat (or high quality products containing it, designed especially for cats), they don’t really need much of other types of food. If you want to make some food at home, you can do it, of course.

However, you should be careful and very cautious when selecting viands. Cats can eat only natural food, meaning quality meat and few other viands, prepared in a proper way. There are many questions and doubts over feeding cats ‘real’ meat, so we’ll discuss the pork meat matter, in the following paragraphs.

Pork on the plate

Ok, we’ve already concluded meat is cats’ natural food. However, you certainly wonder what types of meat are actually good for your cat. Is there any difference or cats are able to eat all sorts of meat? Should they eat pork? Can it be served raw or cooked? With or without bones? Those are some of commonly asked questions when it comes to feeding cats meat, pork in particular.

There is no reason why your elegant friend should not eat some pork. Since cats are carnivores and meat is their main source of nutrients and energy, some good pork slice sounds very good. Cats’ bodies are also more tolerable of animal fat than ours, but are not as used to eating nuts like cashews as we are. More than 60% of their approximate daily calories intake comes from fat. So, pork meat is less likely to get them problems people face, if eating too much pork. Pork contains valuable proteins that cats need to get energized and strong.

However, be cautious. Pork is considered fatty meat and it should be given in moderation. Cats taken as pets are not as active as wild ones are, so too much fat would most likely make them gain weight.

Pork is good source of nutrients for cats and it could be delightful feast for your pet. Despite cats normally digest raw meat, you should cook it first. You don’t want to risk with food poisoning from parasites and bacteria that could be hidden in raw meat.

You should also remove the bones after pork is cooked. Cooked bones are easier to splitter, which makes them extremely dangerous to our pets. Sharp parts of cooked pork bones could make severe damage to your cat’s intestines, throat and mouth and you surely don’t want that!

The last but not the least, if you prepare some quality pork slices for your feline, avoid all additions that may come to your mind. Cats don’t need extra flavors and additions like salt, pepper and other spices as well as peas, which can be harmful to their sensitive bellies. You should also avoid all pork processed products, such as sausages, canned goods and all sorts of preserved food. Fried bacon and such are a big no, as well.