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Can Dogs Eat Grapes?

Many dog owners enjoy sharing food with their dogs. But, there are certain human foods which can be toxic to dogs.

In this article we will talk about grapes and their effects on dog’s health. Are grapes safe for dogs or they can be harmful to them? Continue reading and you will find out. You can also head to our article about pistachio and dogs while you’re at it.

More About Grapes

Grapes are one of the most desirable fruits in the world. They are also called “the fruit of the vine”. Not only are grapes delicious, but they are also very healthy. Actually, grapes have many of health benefits for people. Grapes are rich in vitamins A, B6, C and folate and they also contain minerals such as potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and selenium. Thanks to its high mineral content, grapes are good for bone health and they can prevent conditions like osteoporosis.

Also, grapes can eliminate constipation, prevent cataracts and kidney disorders. Grapes can also be used as a cure for asthma. You can eat grapes fresh or make a grape juice. There are also dried grapes, called raisins, that are often added to salads and yogurt. As you can see, grapes are very good for human health, but what about dogs? Can we share this fruit with our furry friends?

Are Grapes Safe for Dogs?

Unfortunately, the answer is no. Grapes, as well as raisins, are toxic to dogs, but vets are not quite sure why. It is known that dog’s digestive system is not capable to digest well this fruit. Your dog might not have any side effects after eating grapes, but in most cases there will be many symptoms. Studies have shown that grapes have a high toxicity for dogs.

Thy Symptoms of Toxicity

The symptoms that can happen after a toxic ingestion are loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, weakness and lethargy. Vomiting is the most common early symptom of grape toxicity and it usually appears within a few hours after ingestion.

Also, dogs usually become lethargic and depressive and there are also signs of dehydration, such as dry mouth and nose and pale gums. The worst symptom of toxicity is a kidney failure accompanied with the lack of urine production, which sometimes can be fatal for your dog. If the toxicity progresses, the dogs will not be able to produce urine any more. Have in mind that only one grape per pound of dog’s body weight is enough to cause some health issue in your dog. But, there is one weird fact. Although grapes are toxic to most dogs, some dogs are not affected after eating this fruit. The experts don’t know why it happens.

What Is the Toxic Dose of Grapes for Dogs?

The researches have shown that the toxic dose is 32 grams of grapes per one kilogram of dog’s body weight. Raisins are even more concentrated than grapes, so that the amount of only 11 g per one kilogram of body weight can be toxic to our pets.

What to Do if Your Dog is Already Poisoned?

If your dog has been affected, the treatment won’t be easy. The treatment and the prognosis depends primarly on the amount of grapes that your dog has eaten. It is necessary to bring your dog to the vet as soon as possible. You must tell your vet about the amount that your dog has eaten. Maybe it will be necessary to make your dog to vomit. If the dog is affected by grapes he will vomit anyway, but if not, you can make him vomit. You can induce vomiting by using a hydrogen peroxide solution. It is recommendable to use one teaspoon of this solution per five pounds of dog’s body weight, but you should never give your dog more than three teaspoons at once. If your dog has not start vomiting after the third dose, don’t try to induce vomiting any more. If your dog has already vomited, don’t give him more hydrogen peroxide.

You should know that it is not important if the grapes were commercially grown or they were grown in your garden. Also, it is not important if grapes are seeded or without seeds. It is proved that even small amounts of grapes can be fatal for your dog.

Learn about other food that might be better for your pet. For instance, hazelnuts can be eaten by dogs without fearing that they might be toxic.