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Can Dogs Eat Sesame Seeds?

Sesame seeds are a very popular addition to human dishes all around the world. It is added not only to salty but also to sweet dishes, and it can be found in almost every house. Pet owners can easily be confused by all the food options that are considered healthy for them, and ask easily whether is it ok for their pets as well.

Even some veterinarians are not 100% sure about certain foods. When it comes to seeds, like sesame seed, it is safe to use them in your dog’s meal plan. And here is why.

Sesame seeds beneficial effects

Sesame seeds are very rich in minerals. They contain manganese, phosphorus, iron, zinc and selenium. Copper reduces the pain and swelling so it can be used in treatment of conditions with these syptoms, as well as for strengthening our blood vessels, bones and joints.

Manganese, on the other hand, prevents heart attack, strokes, and helps prevention of diabetes. Other beneficial effect is also restoring normal sleep patterns. Calcium, which protects colon, and makes the bones grow stronger. Zinc-rich sesame seeds will improve your bone density.

Sesame seeds are also known for lowering cholesterol, and beneficial effect is so dramatic that phytosterol, that is also found in sesame seeds, is being extracted to treat high cholesterol conditions. They are recommended for everyone that suffers from high cholesterol, as well as for the ones that want to make sure they stay healthy.

These seeds also contain high amount of dietary protein and amino acids that are important for growth, and only 100g of seeds contain 18g of protein. Folic acid that is also found in sesame seeds is essential for DNA synthesis.

In some recent studies, it has been showed that sesame seeds also prevent the growth of cancer cells, and also reduce the risk of cancer. Biggest component in this prevention is antioxidant component, that reduces the impact of free radicals that are usually connected to various cancers and other conditions.

Giving sesame seeds to dogs

Sesame seeds by ASPCA are not toxic for dogs. They can provide you canine friend with large amounts of protein and antioxidants. They are also a great source of omega 6-fatty acids. Sesamin protects the liver and prevents high blood pressure, so these seeds are perfect if your furry friend is experiencing these issues.

Use unsalted seeds, and also don’t add any other supplements  if you are not sure if they are ok or not. When using sesame seeds in your dog’s diet, make sure to avoid giving him oil. There are different types of oils, you can use in his meals that are safer.

Mix sesame seeds in a paste and give it to him wit his regular meal, if you want to boost his immune system, and protect his health with all the nutritional components that sesame seeds contain. They can’t process seeds that well, and most of the beneficial components are not going to be recieved by simply giving him regular seeds.Their digestive systems are not made to digest seeds.

Also, most of the components and nutritional factors can easily be found in dog food, so there is really no need to add sesame seeds.

Not necessary nutritional component

Sesame seeds are very healthy. No one can deny that. They are rich in different minerals, fiber and vitamins that are important not only for people but also for dogs. On the other hand, seeds are not necessary for dog’s health. They are not used to digesting foods like this so they don’t really get anything from them. They are not like prunes, however, that dogs should stay away from.

Since sesame oil is not very good for them, the only way you can include sesame seeds to his diet is by mixing them with other food. And the best way to do that is by making a paste, or grounding them. If you give him only cleaned seeds, nothing spectacular is going to happen, and none of the nutrients will be absorbed. Using tahini and hummus, that contain a lot sesame seeds, aren’t meant for dogs since they contain garlic that is toxic for them.

Sesame seeds contain a large amount of fat and oil, and because of that they are sometimes not recommended and can cause pancreatitis. The syptoms are diarrhea, vomitimg and stomach pain. This condition usually occurres after consuming too much sesame seeds, or oil and fat that is in them. So, it can sometimes be hard for their digestive systems to process.

In the end it is your choice, whether or not to use sesame seeds in your dog’s meals. Always use small amounts, to see how he’s reacting to it. And if you notice anything strange make sure to inform your veterianrian, and ask for advice. So, sesame seeds in canine nutrition are ok, but really not that necessary.

Read about dogs being fed with fennel next.