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Can Dogs Eat Basil?

Basil is a very common herb used in our cousine. People mix it in with a lot of dishes and savour their foods with this amazing herb.

Besides it’s great taste, and smell basil is also very healthy for us. It contains a lot of beneficial nutrients, and therefore is a perfect spice.

Since it grows all over our garden, or we can even find it growing in our backyards without planting it, you probably ask yourself is it ok if our dogs get their paws on it. And the answer is yes. This herb won’t hurt your furry friend, and you will find out that it can also be beneficial for them as well.

Nutritional benefits of basil

This herb is well known for it’s smell. It has a very unique aroma as well, and we can find it in many dishes as a spice. As far as it’s nutritional benefits go, there are many.

Flavonoids that are found in basil can provide a protection on cellular level. They protect blood cells in our blood and in that way protect our entire organism. We can count in especially, protection against bacteria. Some of the bacteria that components found in basil fight against, are the ones that have mutated and are hard to fight even with the use of antibiotics.

Eugenol component in basil’s volatile oils have been the subject of extensive studies since they can block the activity of enzyme in the body that is called cyclooxygenase. Medications like ibuprofen and aspirin work based on these enzymes.

If you want make a pasta sauce that’s both good for your cardiovascular health and tasty, then put in some basil. Caretonoids  that are also known as pro-vitamin A, is the most powerful anti-oxidant and also protect free radicals from oxidizing. Because, as you already know, when cholesterol gets oxidized he gets to our blood stream.

Basil is also very rich in vitamin K and manganese, which protect our bones, as well as in vitamin C, calcium iron, folate and omega 3 fatty-acids.

Giving basil to your dog

Basil can be very beneficial to your dog just like he can be to you. He can be used to lower the pain due to arthritis, that is very common in dogs. There are also no evidence of toxication in dogs due to use of basil, so it is safe. As far as the benefits go, there are pros and cons in this case, just like when it comes to feeding your dog with pizza.

The basic components in basil are just as good for your dog as they are for you. No one can deny that. Scientists show that basil has very powerful antiinlammatory effect, anti fungal and antioxidant effect. It is also very good in prevention of canine arthritis, and treatment for the dogs that already suffer from it.

Basil is also known for it’s calming effect so you can even apply it as a mild sedative. He will make your dog a bit calmer in a natural way and without harming him. Corticosterone is the component that helps in this case, and it can ease dogs anxiety as well.

The main thing is to be moderate. Sometimes even too much good things can make your dog sick. Giving him too much of anything, no matter how healthy it is, it can cause opposite effects. When giving your furry pet basil, the biggest problem is how to incorporate it his meal. basil is mostly served fresh, or dry so when putting it in his meal try to cook it a little and mix it in with his regular food.

After first time using basil in your dogs diet, monitor his reactions and reactions. Just like humans, they can be allergic to herbs and plants, so be cautious. If you notice anything strange, make sure to take him to the vet. This allergy is, however, rare.

Other issue with herbs and plants in dog’s diet, is that they can contain oxalates which can be insoluble for dogs. This means that their digestive systems don’t process foods like herbs, that great or not at all. So, always check his behavior afterwards to exclude any possible food allergies and bad reactions.

Overall basil is very healthy. As I mentioned before, it can ease conditions like canine arthritis, provide him with vitamins K and C, and also have a very effective anti inflammatory, anti fungal and anti-oxidant effect on his body. The main concern is of yourse his unability to process fooods like herbs, and possible food allergies.

Cases of food allergies are rare, but not impossible. So, if you have given your dog basil, and he starts to act differently than before, make sure to check in with your veterinarian. He might have food intolerance to certain types of foods. And whenever in doubt, just avoid foods you are not certain about, to avoid hurting your little friend, and causing him more trouble than benefits. Most fruits like strawberries are okay, but it’s still better to check with an expert.