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Can Dogs Eat Parsley?

We all know that dog owners enjoy adding some human foods in a dog’s diet. We buy mushrooms from the store, and also add it to our pup’s bowl.

In this text you can find out something more about parsley and its effects on dog’s health.

Is parsley safe or harmful to dogs? Continue reading and you will get the answer.

More About Parsley

Parsley (lat. Petroselinum crispum) is widely cultivated as a vegetable, a spice or a herb. In the culinary use, parsley is usually chopped and spread on the top of rice, fish, stews, meat or soups. Parsley has a big medicinal value because it is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, C and folic acids. It also contains fiber and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and iron.

Due to its high content of antioxidants, parsley boosts our immune system and reduces the risk of many diseases. We can see that parsley is very beneficial for people, but what about dogs?

Is Parsley Safe for Dogs?

Although parsley is used in many recipes, it is not normally given to dogs. But, parsley is generally safe for dogs and you can add a small amount of parsley to regular dog’s food. Some studies have shown that parsley is toxic to dogs if it is consumed in large amounts.

How to Use Parsley?

You can simply add finely chopped parsley to dog’s regular meals once or twice a week. It is also recommended to give ½ teaspoon of parsley tea to your dog 3 or 4 times a day. A small amount of parsley is enough for your dog and it can be very beneficial for him. You can also make a juice of parsley. You can simply put fresh leaves of parsley with some water in a blender and to mix it. It is recommendable to feed the juice to your dog with an empty stomach or to add the juice to dog’s drinking water.

Also, you can make a medicinal tea from parsley, which is very useful for treating gastric and urinary tract issues. You can store the remaining amount of parsley in the fridge for 2 weeks or longer.

Health Benefits of Parsley for Dogs

If used moderately, parsley can have many health benefits for dogs. Parsley can enhance your dog’s health if it is consumed in small amounts. Parsley can naturally fresh the mouth and to alleviate bad breath, which is often caused by poor dental health. You can simple sprinkle chopped fresh parsley on dog’s food. Due to its antimicrobial properties, parsley can prevent bacteria to multiply in dog’s mouth. Aside from adding some parsley in dog’s meals, it is also necessary to brush dog’s teeth with a toothbrush at least twice a week. This vegetable can prevent many kidney diseases and treat kidney stones.

Also, parsley can treat urinary tract infections and help in cleansing of organs. Due to its diuretic properties, parsley eliminates toxins from the body and prevents cancer. This herb has anti-cancerous properties and it can inhibit cancer growth. Parsley can lower blood pressure, too. This herb can also be used for treating dogs with anemia, because its leaves and stems are full of nutrients. Parsley has anti-inflammatory properties and it can prevent swelling and arthritis. Parsley is good for treating gastrointestinal problems in dogs. It is a carminative herb that can strengthen dog’s intestinal muscles. It can also treat colic and flatulent dyspepsia in dogs.

This vegetable also helps with bruising, cystitis and heart problems. One more health benefit of parsley is eliminating pain and neutralizing the poison, if your dog has been stung by a bee. You can simply mash a handful of fresh parsley with water and to rub it on the affected area.


As you have seen, parsley can be safe in small amounts and it has several potential health benefits for dogs. You can also see that the same is the case for giving dogs tortillas. Although parsley is safe for dogs, it should not be given to pregnant dogs, because parsley can cause muscle contractions and stimulate the uterus.

Also, dogs with kidney problems should not eat parsley, because they can have excess bleeding. You should also know that large amounts of parsley can be dangerous for your dog and they can cause many health issues.