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If you’re a fan of felines and ancient lore, then Greek mythology cat names might be the perfect fit for your furry friend. These names draw inspiration from the fascinating stories and characters of Greek mythology, ranging from the powerful gods and goddesses to the cunning heroes and mythical creatures. 

Whether you want to name your cat after a beloved deity or a fierce warrior, there’s a Greek mythology cat name out there that’s sure to capture your heart.

Best Greek Mythology Cat Names

Are Cats Important in Greek Mythology?

The ancient Greeks found similarities between their goddess Artemis and the Egyptian goddess Bastet, who was associated with cats. Thus, they merged the two goddesses, ascribing Bastet’s feline connections to Artemis. Ovid’s Metamorphoses tells a story of the gods fleeing to Egypt and transforming into animals, where the Roman equivalent of Artemis, Diana, takes the form of a cat. 

cat walking

This blending of cultures and mythology demonstrates how the Greeks and Romans drew inspiration from other societies, creating new deities and legends that reflect their own values and beliefs.

Why Do Greeks Love Cats So Much?

In Greece, cats have long been revered as a sacred animal, and this belief still exists among many locals today. It’s heartening to see how they hold these feline creatures in high regard, recognizing their value and treating them with respect. 

This cultural appreciation for cats can be seen in various ways, from feeding and caring for stray cats to including them in local folklore and mythology. It’s a testament to the enduring influence of history and tradition, as well as the continued importance of animals in human society.

Which Greek City Has a Lot of Cats?

Santorini, a beautiful Greek island, is renowned for its stunning clear waters, cliffside neighborhoods, and iconic blue-domed roofs [1]. However, what many visitors may not realize is that it’s also home to a large population of stray cats. These feline creatures can be found all over the island, from the bustling city center to the quiet outskirts. 

stray cats

While some may see them as a nuisance, others appreciate the cats’ presence and recognize their importance in the local community. As such, it’s not uncommon to see locals and tourists alike feeding and caring for these cats, making Santorini a unique and special place for both humans and animals alike.


Greek mythology offers a wealth of inspiration for cat owners looking for unique and meaningful names for their furry friends. Whether you’re drawn to the strength and power of Zeus, the beauty and grace of Artemis, or the cunning and intelligence of Hermes, there’s a name out there that’s perfect for your feline companion. 

So why settle for a boring name when you can give your cat a moniker that reflects their true nature and personality?