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If you’re a cat lover searching for the perfect name for your feline friend, why not consider a mystical name? These names not only sound enchanting, but they also hold special meanings and associations with magic, spirituality, and the supernatural. 

From the ancient Egyptian goddess Bastet to the mischievous Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland, there’s no shortage of mystical cat names to choose from. Join us as we explore some of the most captivating names for your feline companion.

Best Mystical Cat Names

Can Cats Learn More Than One Name?

Cats living in cafes have a harder time learning their names due to the various guests who call them by different names. In contrast, house cats have an advantage because they learn their name by observing their owner call them out one or two times throughout the day. 

cats sitting

This makes it easier for house cats to identify their name and respond to it promptly.

How Do Cats Recognize Their Name?

When cats hear their name being called, they react to the sound. Even if a name sounds similar, a cat’s ear might only perk up slightly, and the reaction will likely fade until the cat hears their actual name being said. This means that calling a cat by a wrong or almost-right name might not get their attention or elicit the same response as when they hear their actual name. 

It’s essential to use a cat’s real name when calling them to ensure they respond appropriately.

How Long Until Cats Recognize Their Names?

As each cat is unique, the amount of time it takes for them to learn their name varies. Young kittens may learn their name within the first week, while older and senior cats may take a bit longer. However, you can speed up the process by consistently training the cat and asking the rest of your family to participate. 

grey cat

The more opportunities the cat has to hear and respond to their name, the quicker they will learn and recognize it. With patience and persistence, most cats will eventually learn to identify their name and respond to it accordingly.

Why Don't Cats Come When You Call Them?

The reason why cats are often perceived as more independent than dogs is the same reason why they may not be as affected by separation. Unlike dogs, cats do not necessarily see humans as protectors or leaders. Instead, they have a more aloof nature and tend to be self-sufficient. 

As a result, they may not feel the same level of separation anxiety as dogs when left alone for extended periods. While cats can form strong bonds with their owners, they are also content to spend time alone or with other cats, which further contributes to their reputation as independent animals.


Mystical cat names offer a world of enchantment, charm, and allure. With a wide variety of options to choose from, cat owners can give their furry friends names that reflect their mysterious and magical personalities. 

Whether it’s a name inspired by astrology, mythology, or supernatural beings, mystical cat names add an extra layer of mystique and charm to these already fascinating creatures.