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The practice of sleeping with pets has long been a topic of interest and debate among pet owners and health experts alike.

It’s a subject that intertwines the deep bond shared between humans and their animal companions with the complex dynamics of health, sleep quality, and emotional well-being. 

Various perspectives throw light on the potential benefits of comfort and emotional support against possible health risks and sleep disturbances. 

By examining scientific research, expert opinions, and personal experiences, we gain a nuanced understanding of how sharing a bed with a furry friend can impact different aspects of human life.

What Should We Have in Mind?

According to CFAH’s statistics, in a society where 50 to 70 million people have some type of sleep disorder, and 30% to 40% of adults complain of insomnia symptoms, finding a calm sleeping companion should not come as a surprise.

dog sleeping with a child on carpet

In popular culture, the concept of sleeping with pets is often depicted with a mix of warmth and humor. For instance, in the movie “Marley & Me,” the lovable but unruly Marley often sneaks into bed with his owners, symbolizing the unbreakable bond between pets and their families. 

Similarly, in the comic strip “Garfield,” the titular cat frequently commandeers his owner Jon’s bed, showcasing the typical cat behavior in a humorous light. 

These cultural portrayals, ranging from the heartwarming scenes in “Beethoven,” where the St. Bernard snuggles with the children, and the comedic struggles in “Cats & Dogs,” reflect the deep emotional connections and the sometimes comical realities of sharing a bed with a pet.

Sleep Disturbances

Pets, known for their nocturnal activities and restlessness, can significantly disrupt human sleep patterns. This is especially concerning in the context of the United States, where a substantial portion of the adult population already suffers from inadequate sleep.

cat rubbed on the chin

The presence of a pet in bed can lead to fragmented sleep, as their movements and noises during the night may cause repeated awakenings. Considering the crucial role of uninterrupted sleep in overall health and well-being, this factor cannot be overlooked.

Allergies and Asthma

Allergens present in pet dander are a significant concern for individuals who share their bed with pets. These allergens can trigger or exacerbate allergic reactions and asthma symptoms, leading to respiratory distress.

For individuals already prone to such conditions, the close and prolonged exposure to these allergens during sleep can result in heightened sensitivity and more severe allergic responses.

Parasite Risks

Another health concern arises from the potential for pets to bring parasites such as fleas and ticks into the bed. These parasites not only cause discomfort through bites but also pose a risk of transmitting serious diseases. 

Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever are among the notable illnesses that can be contracted from tick bites, representing a serious health risk to humans.

puppy infected with fleas

Zoonotic Diseases

The risk of transmission of zoonotic diseases, those which can spread from animals to humans, is an often overlooked consequence of sleeping with pets. 

Diseases like cat scratch fever and other conditions can be passed from pets to their owners, presenting a range of health challenges. 

This risk underscores the need for careful consideration, especially in households where pets have outdoor access or are exposed to other animals.

Risk of Injuries

Lastly, there is the physical risk posed by pets who may react defensively when disturbed in their sleep. Startled or agitated pets might resort to biting or scratching, which, apart from causing immediate injury, also carry the risk of infections. This is particularly a concern in households with larger or more temperamental pets.

While the companionship of pets is often comforting and beneficial, the decision to share a bed with them necessitates a careful evaluation of potential health risks. The nature of the pet, individual health conditions, and personal comfort preferences should all be considered to make an informed choice.

cat sleeping on a bed

The Case For Sleeping with Pets

The case for allowing pets in the bed is bolstered by several compelling arguments that center on emotional, immunological, and physical health benefits.

Emotional Benefits

The presence of pets in bed can be a source of immense comfort and security, particularly for those grappling with mental health challenges like PTSD. Pets have a calming effect, often helping to reduce stress levels and enhance mood. 

This emotional support is not just anecdotal; studies have shown that interaction with pets can lead to decreased stress-related hormones and an increase in mood-boosting chemicals in the brain. 


For individuals with PTSD or similar conditions, the reassuring presence of a pet during the night can be especially therapeutic, offering a sense of safety and tranquility that may be hard to find elsewhere.

Improved Immunity and Health

Beyond emotional well-being, sleeping with pets can have tangible health benefits. Regular interaction with pets, including during sleep, exposes individuals to a variety of microorganisms. This exposure is believed to play a role in strengthening the immune system. 

For children, whose immune systems are still developing, this exposure can be particularly beneficial. The diversity of microbes introduced into the environment by pets is thought to help build a more robust immune response, potentially offering protection against a variety of illnesses.

Physical Health Improvements

The impact of pets extends to physical health as well, particularly in terms of cardiovascular wellness. 

Studies have shown that pet ownership, and by extension, close physical contact with pets, can lead to reduced blood pressure and cholesterol levels. These factors are key in maintaining a healthy heart and reducing the risk of heart-related diseases. 

petting dog

The act of petting or cuddling with a pet has been linked to immediate reductions in blood pressure and heart rate, suggesting that the physical connection with pets can have immediate as well as long-term health benefits.

Balancing the Pros and Cons

Given these mixed effects, deciding whether to sleep with pets is a highly personal decision, influenced by individual health considerations, the behavior and nature of the pet, and lifestyle preferences. For those who choose to share their bed with pets, there are ways to mitigate potential risks. 

Using HEPA filters can help reduce the presence of allergens in the bedroom, regular cleaning and washing of bedding can decrease exposure to pet dander and other irritants, and maintaining consistent veterinary care ensures pets remain healthy and less likely to transmit diseases. 

Each of these measures can help maximize the benefits of sleeping with pets while minimizing potential drawbacks.

pig on a bed

Final Remarks

The choice to sleep with pets involves weighing the benefits of emotional support and health improvements against potential sleep disturbances and health risks. 

Personal health status, pet behavior, and lifestyle choices are key factors in this decision. 

Understanding the broader context of sleep challenges in the U.S. also plays a role in making informed decisions about sleep habits, including the inclusion of pets in the sleeping environment.