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Can Rabbits Eat Celery?

Rabbits are great pets, simply because they look friendly and they like to play. All of this means that if you don’t have a rabbit at home, you should get one today. Even better, they are not complicated to keep. They require ordinary food, and their life is simple, so you don’t need to do anything extraordinary. That’s why the number of people who is keeping rabbits as their pets is constantly growing.

On the other side, rabbits can be kept in large farms, but the keeping process is a bit different.

Also, make sure all of them are from the same species. In addition, food is more than important to rabbits, because they have fast metabolism.

Rabbits and Celery

Rabbits eat almost anything, except meat. They will eat grass, fruits (see if rabbits can eat peaches here), vegetables, seeds and even bark of a tree. This is important to them, due to the fact they can get more than needed nutrients when they eat different foods. If you keep a rabbit in your home, it is important to provide to help a variety of foods. By doing this, you will have a healthy rabbit. Avoid feeding it with just one food, or your pet won’t get all nutrients he requires.

Celery is rich in nutrients a rabbit needs and most rabbits like this food, so it is recommended to feed them with celery. However, most experts claim that cutting celery into small pieces is recommended, due to the fact it will help to the digestive system and it won’t get stuck in the teeth of your pet. Feeding rabbits green peas is best kept in moderation as well. Simply said, this is a food that should be part of your rabbit’s diet. However, don’t rely just on celery and give more of different foods to your pet. The variety of diet is more than important for a good health of your rabbit. On the other side celery should take 15% of the diet of your rabbit, so make sure you don’t give more than this amount. It is approximately 1 tablespoon for 2 lbs. of weight.

Celery has a lot of health benefits. It can protect from cancer and it has a positive effect on the digestive system of your pet. It also helps in keeping the blood pressure normal and it is useful in reducing migraines. If you are feeding your rabbit with celery for the first time, pay attention to its droppings. If you notice some changes in their shape and size and you determine that the behavior of your pet has changed, he may not like celery, so you should eliminate it from his diet. However, most rabbits like it, so it is a rare thing that a rabbit won’t eat celery.

Due to the fact celery is a cheap food and easy to get, it should be a part of a rabbit’s diet. As aforementioned, make sure you don’t give too much of it to your pet. At the same time, pairing celery with other foods is more than important for the rabbit’s health. By doing this, he will get all nutrients and minerals he requires, so hewill be healthier and in a better mood.

Another application of celery is as a treat. Due to the fact most rabbits like celery and similar foods, they will treat it like a treat. In this case, only small pieces should be given, so avoid large portions. Also, it is recommended to give this type of treat when you are trying to learn your friend something. By doing this, you will be able to learn your pet amazing tricks and things to do. With a treat, this process is much simpler, quicker and far more enjoyable.

Don’t forget that rabbits like routine, so feeding them, at the same time, every day, may have a positive effect on their mood and their behavior. Also, it will have a positive effect to their organism, especially on the digestive tract. In any case, if you give too much celery to your pet, it may cause issues with the digestive system. If this happens, taking him to a veterinarian is recommended. There are a lot of tutorials and help on the internet about, what you should do if this happens, but still, the best and the safest way it to take him to a veterinarian.

Similar Foods that are Good for your Rabbit

Grass hay is the most important part of a rabbit’s diet, simply because it contains all a rabbit needs. This food is rich in vitamin A and D, but it also contains calcium, which is more than important for strong teeth of your pet. Most veterinarians and pet experts claim that this is the main food and it must be given to a rabbit regularly. At the same time, they claim that moderation should be taken into consideration. Never give too much of this food to your pet. This food should form 80% of the diet of a rabbit.

Giving fruits to your pet is recommended as well. Just make sure they don’t go above 10% of the rabbit’s diet. No matter which fruit you use, the procedure will be the same. Keep in mind that a rabbit can get fruit’s liquid on his fur, so it isn’t a wise decision to leave it as it is. In fact, you will have to wash it and clean his fur, so there are no traces of the fruit liquid. As you already know, rabbits like carrots, so they should be a huge part of the rabbit’s diet. If you can, use organic carrots imply because they are healthier and they don’t contain chemicals that may have a negative effect on your pet’s health.

Foods that Rabbits Should Avoid

Beside foods that are good for a rabbit, there are a lot of foods that must be avoided at all cost. Sadly, there is no any pattern in this case, so you will have to memorize the foods that shouldn’t take part in your pet’s diet.

One of this food is lettuce. Although it may look like a great food for a rabbit, it causes diarrhea, and it should be avoided at all cost. At the same time, you should avoid potatoes and peelings of them. On the other side, if you have a garden and your rabbit can get to it, you must eliminate plants such as: Jimson Weed, Foxglove, Deadly Nightshade, Horehound, Hemlock, Arrow Grass and several others. Keep in mind that these plants can have a severe effect on the health of your pet and they must be avoided at all cost. Even small portions may be dangerous.