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Can Cats Drink Almond Milk?

Cat owners have the responsibility for their cats’ health. They should know what types of human foods their cats can eat. If they are unaware of what their cats can or can not eat, sometimes the results can be fatal.

Many of us use milk products which are lower in lactose and fats, such as almond milk. Almond milk is a health alternative for those people who are lactose intolerant. But, what about cats? There is no doubt that cats also love almond milk. Is it safe for cats to drink almond milk? In this article you will find out the answer to this question. But, first we will tell you something more about almond milk.

More About Almond Milk

Almond milk is a plant milk with nutty taste and beautiful creamy texture. This milk is actually a combination of ground almond nuts and water. It is rich in protein and other necessary nutrients. People especially like this milk because it is low in fat and also low in calories. It is often consumed by lactose intolerant people who avoid dairy products. Today we can find almond milk in sweetened or unsweetened, chocolate and vanilla flavors, or we can make this milk at home, using a blender.

Is Almond Milk Safe for Cats?

The good news is that the almond milk is not found on the veterinary lists of foods which are toxic to cats. That means that you can feed your cat with almond milk. Almond milk has also some benefits for your cat’s health. This milk is a great alternative for regular milk, because it doesn’t contain lactose and its main ingredient is almond. It is known that some cats are lactose intolerant.

Also, almond milk is rich in omega 3 fatty acids and it contains low saturated fat. This is especially good for cats that may be at risk of having some cardiovascular problems.

How Much Almond Milk can Be Given to Cats?

Although the almond milk is not toxic to cats, you have to be careful and to limit the amount of milk that you are giving to your cat. Kittens can safely drink almond milk because they can break down lactose in the milk. But, when cats become older, they are less able to produce lactase enzymes which are necessary for processing the lactose from milk.

Also, almond milk contains sugar which is not good for cats, because it can lead to obesity or some dental issues. Almond milk contains bacteria which your cat is not able to break down in her gut. Generally, it is better not to feed your cat with almond milk, but small amount will not be harmful to her. It is recommendable to give your cat a small amount of almond milk and to take note of her reaction within an hour. If there are no symptoms, it means that your cat is not sensitive to almonds. In this case you can give your cat a little more milk, but it is important not to give your cat more than 4 cups of almond milk in one day. This amount (1 liter) is more than enough for your cat. The problem is that cats often don’t have limits in drinking milk and they can drink more than they can tolerate. It can lead to serious complications.

Side Effects of Almond Milk

As we have already said, excessive consumption of almond or some other milk can cause some side effects, such as diarrhea and vomiting.

Also, if your cat is sensitive to almonds, don’t feed her with almond milk. In this case your cat can experience vomiting, diarrhea, bloating and some other stomach problems.

Final Thoughts

Almond milk has great nutritional value for people, but it is not truly beneficial for cats. Almond milk is not toxic to cats and it is safer than the regular milk, but it can cause some gastrointestinal problems to your cat. You should not allow your cat to drink large amounts of almond milk. The experts say that almond milk should be given to cats only as an occasional treat. Our recommendation is to consult your vet before giving almond milk to your cat.