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Can Cats Eat Salmon?

Many cat owners give salmon to their cats whenever they eat it. There’s no doubt that cats also enjoy eating this fish, but is salmon good for cats?

Does salmon cause any side effects or it is completely safe for your cat? You will get the answers below.

More About Salmon

Salmon is one of the species of fish in the family that also includes char, trout, whitefish and grayling. Salmon comes from Alaska, the Pacific Northwest, Eastern Canada, Norway and Greenland. These fish are born in fresh waters, but they migrate to the ocean and then come back to fresh waters to reproduce. Salmon has a lot of health benefits for people. This fish is rich in omega 3 fatty acids and proteins. Regular consumption of salmon decreases the risk of cardiovascular problems, such as heart arrhythmia, heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke, high triglycerides in the blood etc. Salmon is beneficial for treating inflammatory joint conditions, such as osteoarthritis. Protein which is found in salmon can improve bone strength and density.

Also, salmon can reduce the risk of several types of cancer, such as prostate, breast and colorectal cancer. Some researches have also shown that salmon reduces the risk of depression and helps in building of children’s brains. Salmon is low in mercury because these fish are small in size and they eat plants. These are some of the health benefits of salmon for people. But, is salmon also beneficial for cats?

Is Salmon Safe for Cats?

Many cats enjoy eating salmon and you don’t have to worry about that. Salmon is safe for your cat, if it is consumed moderately. Salmon can also have many health benefits for cats. Salmon is rich in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, which improve skin and coat health. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, salmon can reduce the risk of many health issues. Salmon also helps your cat to stay in shape. The fats which are found in salmon will not clog the arteries and they will improve brain health of cats. (Constipated cats? Olive oil might help.)

You should remove all the bones before giving salmon to your cat. Cats can eat not only fresh salmon, but also canned salmon or in a snack form. Cats especially enjoy cooked and smoked salmon. But, smoked salmon contains sodium nitrate, so you have to be careful.

How Much Salmon Can Your Cat Eat?

Having in mind that fish in general is high in toxins, you should limit the amount of the fish that you give to your cat. Salmon can be a healthy treat for your cat, but it should not substitute cat food. Salmon is acceptable as long as it makes less than 15% of cat’s total diet. Salmon won’t be harmful to your cat if it is used as an occasional treat. You can add a few slices of salmon on your cat’s food.

If you give your cat a smoked salmon, you should be very careful with the amount, because of the high content of sodium nitrate. If your cat’s diet is based only on salmon it will make her gain weight. It is enough to feed your cat salmon once a week. It is known that salmon is often one of the ingredients in wet and dry cat food. There are also many treats for cats that contain salmon and they can be found in most pet and grocery stores.


Salmon is generally good for cats, but you have to be sure what ingredients are added to it. If salmon is prepared with onions or garlic, it can be toxic. Also, many cats are allergic to fish and we recommend you to give your cat only a small amount of salmon, just to see the reaction.

If there are no side effects, your cat is not sensitive to this food and you can use salmon as an addition to your cat’s diet. But, if you notice some symptoms, you should call the veterinarian and ask him for advice.

Final Thoughts

As you have seen, not only salmon is good for people, but also for cats. Due to the essential fatty acids, salmon protects against many diseases. But, you have to be careful and to limit the amount of salmon that you give to your cat. A similar control is should be observed when feeding other food, such as raw chicken bones.