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Can Dogs Eat Prunes?

Dogs have been humans’ companions for over centuries of our history. They are the first domesticated animals and the most popular pets all around the world. There are numerous reasons for it! Dogs are kind and sensitive pets. They make us calm and relaxed and fill our hearths with love and joy. Some studies show dogs have enormously positive effect on humans’ health. They can reduce our stress level; their company is good for our heart and blood pressure, not to mention quality of time spent with such a lovely friend compared to time spent on television or computer.

However, dog is not a toy. It is quite demanding pet and you should be prepared to dedicate a lot of your time to your new four-legged buddy. Once you introduce a dog to your household, it should be considered family member and treated that way. Dogs require special conditions and care, as much as humans’ do. They need to have enough space and activity, good nutrition and medical care. Never leave your dog alone for long periods of time.

You should take your dog for a walk several times a day. Even if you keep it in a yard, you still need to provide it a good, energetic walk and let it run around. You need to take up a detailed consideration before getting yourself a dog. Choose a breed that best suits your conditions. For example, young people could chose energetic, playful dogs that will enjoy running and spending a lot of time in outer activities.

Good nutrition for dogs

Food is one of the essential items on daily agenda. Your dog needs proper nutrition to develop and grow normally. Every dog has its own nutritional needs, depending on its breed, age, and gender and health condition. The best advice is to see a vet and together make a proper diet plan for your pet. Originally, dogs are carnivores, but long time spent with men made them eat various viands. Dog’s menu should include meat origin food as a staple, some plant food as an addition and everything else as an occasional treat. Squash is good, but be careful not to give it raw.

When it comes to fruit, yes, dogs can eat it. However, you should take certain precautions and get well informed. Your dog will most likely eat fruit if you offer it. Actually, it is advised to give your dog some fruit is and occasional treat.

In addition, fruit can promote its digestion and it will prevent constipation. On the other hand, it should not be eaten in large amounts.

Fruit contains a lot of sugar, which is not good for dogs’ intestinal tract. They are not suited to use or digest sugar in a way we are. Too much of it could get them stomach ache, sickness and diarrhea.

Also, fruit seeds are poisonous to them. Most of it contains cyanide, so always remove it before serving. Keep an eye on your pet if it runs around the yard and you have some fruit trees, such as apple (see our article on whether apple can be dog food) or peach tree. Your dog has no sense of what is good for its health and it could eat all the fruits fallen from branches, along with their seeds.

Avoid prunes and their seeds

Prunes should be avoided in dogs’ nutrition. They are tasty and known for their positive affect on digestion, especially in people who suffer from constipation, but they are not the happiest choice for our pets. Prunes fall into seeded fruit families, so they can be poisonous to our pets.

As we mentioned before, almost all fruit seeds are harmful, if eaten in larger amounts. Cyanide they contain can be toxic both to humans and animals. The difference is that very small amounts of it can be more harmful to dogs than humans.

That means you can give your dog prunes without seeds. One or two medium prune should be fine as an occasional delicacy and it could have a positive effect on its digestion. However, pay attention if your dog experience any stomach problems, such as diarrhea, sickness and vomiting and take it to a vet. If it ate prunes with seeds it can get poisoned. If you notice any signs of the following: vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, seizures and muscle cramps, it could be a cyanide poisoning. Take it to a vet as soon as possible.